In an interview with a Canadian newspaper, Hamas newspaper editor Sheik Yazeeb Khader acknowledged the role that the “international Muslim Brotherhood” has played in providing funds for the purchase of weapons:
‘Because we are a resistance movement, we can buy weapons from the devil. We buy weapons from every source, and we buy all the weapons we can get our hands on.’ Mr. Khader gave credit to the international Muslim Brotherhood, of which Hamas is an offshoot, for ‘never being stingy’ in providing financial and other aid to the Palestinian wing.
It is not clear which organizations Khader means in this reference but it is alleged and/or established that the the Global Muslim Brotherhood network has provided financial support for Hamas through the Holy Land Foundation in the U.S, the Al-Aqsa Foundation in Europe, and other such Islamic “charities” most of which are also part of Youssef Qaradawi’s umbrella group known as the Union of the Good. Until now, it has generally been claimed that any funds provided by such organizations have been for humanitarian purposes.