MPAC Opposes Prosecution Of Islam Charities


The Muslim Public Affair Council (MPAC) continues to demonstrate how it functions as a component of the U.S Muslim Brotherhood, this time in an article posted on the organization’s website that takes the federal government to task over prosecution of Islamic charities such as the Holy Land Foundation. The article begins by reviewing the history of this prosecution:

As Ramadan fast approaches, there is a nervous anticipation among charities on whether the U.S. Treasury will shut down or raid or make some announcement about another charity. Since 9/11, six charity groups have been shut down by the government after being accused of providing financial aid to groups and individuals included on the U.S. list of terrorist organizations. Just last month, two Michigan charities – Goodwill Charitable Organization (GCO) and Mabarrat – were raided by federal officials. The current Dallas trial of the Holy Land Foundation is the third effort by government prosecutors to tie Muslim activists in the United States to overseas terror groups.

After praising the former Treasury Secretary for working with Muslim charities, the article complains that current Treasury officials have not pursued the same policy which, in MPAC’s view, has damaged the “protection” of Muslim charities in the U.S. and abroad. The article then goes on to assert that the the federal effort to shutdown charities that fund terrorism is linked to a perception that the effort is directed against Islam itself:

As the U.S. government continues to shut down and prosecute Muslim charities, it reinforces the perception that it is obstructing fulfillment of one of the five pillars of Islam, Zakat.

Muslim Brotherhood organizations frequently link anti-terror efforts to a “war on Islam” and the U.S. Brotherhood has opposed virtually every effort to prosecute charities that, in fact, are supported by the Brotherhood. The article concludes by referring to an unidentified “group of U.S.-based relief organizations and foundations” that are attempting to dialogue with Treasury officials in order to restore the previous relationship.

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