The Investigative Project has published a report titled “Al-Arian Resurfaces in New American Brotherhood Campaign” which looks at the appearance of convicted Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Sami Al-Arian at a northern Virginia event tied to the US Muslim Brotherhood. The report begins:
Sami Al-Arian
December 11, 2013 A new group advocating for the restoration of Muslim Brotherhood power in Egypt held a briefing on Capitol Hill Thursday. It is part of a series of events calling for ‘restoring democracy to Egypt.’
But like similar efforts before it, the push by the newly-established Egypt Freedom Foundation involves people with ties to Muslim Brotherhood organizations in the United States. And, the Investigative Project on Terrorism has learned that the event also attracted Sami Al-Arian to the Cannon Office Building on Capitol Hill. Al-Arian is a convicted terrorist-supporting felon who is still under a separate indictment for criminal contempt. Both cases involve his work with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a terrorist group for which Al-Arian served as a board member.”
He did not speak during Thursday’s briefing, or at a follow-up event at a northern Virginia community college Friday night. But his presence, and his connections to the organizers, indicate that he may be more than a spectator.
Sami Al-Arian arrives for an Egypt Freedom Foundation program in Annandale, Va., Friday night. He attended a similar Capitol Hill briefing Thursday.
The two events featured speakers critical of the Egyptian military for removing President Mohamed Morsi from office July 3, after days of massive street protests that reached historic proportions against his year-old rule. Morsi was the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate in Egypt’s 2012 elections.
The GMBDW has comprehensively covered the activities the individuals identified in the IP report:
Our predecessor publication last reported on Sami Al-Arian in March 2009 indicating that he was to stand trial on charges of criminal contempt in relation to his failure to testify about the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), a part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.
Our predecessor publication last reported on Muslim American Society (MAS) leader Mahdi Bray in January 2011, at that time said to be recovering from a serious stroke.
The GMBDW has featured several reports detailing the Muslim Brotherhood ties of former Obama Faith Advisor Dahlia Mogahed.