MPAC Sponsors High-Level Meeting of Muslim Youth With U.S. Government Agencies


The Washington Post reported on the National Muslim American Youth Summit that was held in Washington D.C. over the weekend and which brought together 27 young Muslims and officials from the departments of Homeland Security, State and Justice in “what Muslim American activists say is the highest-level meeting ever between Muslim American youths and U.S. officials.” The meeting was organized by the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), a group that is an important part of the Muslim Brotherhood network in the United States and which was described in the report as “having the coziest links to law enforcement and the administration compared to other major Muslim American advocacy groups.” The group met with Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress as well as the Congressional Muslim Staffers Association, described as having 25 members of Muslims working on Capitol Hill. (An earlier post has described Congressman’s Ellison’s remarks in which he compared the 911 attacks to the burning of the German parliament in the 1930’s.) This meeting follows many other events involving U.S government agencies meeting with or in other ways interacting with the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.

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