A U.K. Muslim publication has reported comments made by U.K. Muslim Brotherhood network leaders in connection with the recent knighthood of Salman Rushdie. The comments illustrate the tightrope walked by such leaders in trying to both maintain their position as spokespersons for Islam while distancing themselves from Al Qaida:
(British Muslim Iniative) spokesman Anas Altikriti reportedly said: ‘While we criticise the knighthood, we would totally reject any notion that threatens Britain and its people. He added: ‘We will continue to denounce and disown the rhetoric of al-Qa’™ida.’ Inayat Bunglawala, spokesman for the Muslim Council of Britain, reportedly said: ‘To reward Rushdie with a knighthood was an ill thought out decision, it was bound to cause outrage among many Muslims around the world, considering the way Rushdie portrayed key Islamic figures in his book, The Satanic Verses. ‘However, it was quite predictable that al-Qa’™ida would try to use the knighthood to try to further their own goals, of polarising Muslims and the West, it was not unexpected.’
Both the British Muslim Initiative and the Muslim Council of Britain are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood network in the U.K. and the father of Anas Altikriti is the head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Iraq.