The Union des organisations islamiques en France (UOIF), essentially the Muslim Brotherhood in France, has revamped its website with a new look although there do not appear to be substantive changes. Interesting, however, is a new link entitled “Nos partenaires” (our partners) which identifies the entire public structure of the Muslim Brotherhood in France. Included in the list are the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE) and its affiliated Imam training facility known as the Institut européen de sciences humaines (IESH), not surprising since UOIF leaders are also important leaders in FIOE. Also included, probably for the first time, is the Comite de Bienfaisance et de Secours aux Palestiniens (CBSP) the French member of the Union of Good, a global network of charities directed by Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi that is thought by Israel and officials in several European countries to be funding Hamas. Close connections exist between a number of FIOE member organizations and the Union of Good members in their respective countries. Another UOIF partner listed is Al Kindi, described in a recent post as France’s largest Muslim high school that only recently began its first full school year a long battle with with authorities who questioned the credentials of its staff.” The president of the Association Al Kindi, Nazir Hakim, is a also vice-president of the Union of the Islamic organizations of France (UOIF), part of the Muslim Brotherhood in France