State Department Pays For French Muslim Brotherhood Figure To Visit Muslim Brotherhood Organization In The U.S.


The website of the International Islamic Of Islamic Thought (IIIT) has announced that Imam Tariq Oubrou, described as a leading Imam in the French Muslim community, visited IIIT headquarters on July 20 as part of a State Department sponsored visitors program. The report stated that Mr. Obrou gave a presentation on Muslims in France and also addressed a panel of IIIT interns. As Mr. Oubrou is strongly associated with the Union des organisations islamiques en France (UOIF), the Muslim Brotherhood in France, it is not clear why the State Department paid for his visit to network with IIIT, another Muslim Brotherhood organization, particular since IIIT maintains an office in Paris. Previous posts have reported on other State Department programs that have facilitated networking efforts by the global Muslim Brotherhood.

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