Despite recent reports that the FBI has cut off contact with the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a part of the U.S. Muslin Brotherhood, the organization is reporting that it recently held over 80 meetings with “elected officials and their staffers on Capitol Hill.” According to the CAIR announcement :
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today announced that its advocates recently completed more than 80 meetings with elected officials and their staffers on Capitol Hill. On Monday and Tuesday, CAIR representatives from across the country discussed efforts to end racial profiling, concerns over the humanitarian situation in Gaza and fighting domestic hunger…..“Once again we heard that many congressional offices rarely hear from their Muslim constituents,” said CAIR National Legislative Director Corey Saylor. “CAIR provides training so that community members across the country can learn how to effectively engage their representatives in government.” Saylor noted that CAIR has published a Civic Participation Handbook designed to provide best practices and step-by-step guides for everything from holding voter registration drives to making the most of a meeting with elected officials.
As discussed in an earlier post, the FBI was reported to have cut off contact with CAIR as a result of the group’s origins in what was described as a “Hamas-support network.”
Documents released in the Holy Land Trial have revealed that the founders and current leaders of CAIR were part of the Palestine Committee of the Muslim Brotherhood as well as identifying the organization itself as being part of the U.S. Brotherhood. A recent post discussed an interview with the Deputy leader of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in which he confirms a relationship between his organization and CAIR. Investigative research posted on GMBDW had determined that CAIR had it origins in the U.S. Hamas infrastructure and is an integral part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood with a long history of support for fundamentalism, anti-Semitism, and terrorism. Numerous earlier posts have reported on the relationship between the FBI and CAIR.