MPAC Attends White House Meeting To Announce Obama Supreme Court Nominee


The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) has announced that is participated in a White House meeting with President Obama and cabinet officials to announce the President’s nomination to the Supreme Court. According to the MPAC announcement:

This morning, the Director of the Washington, DC office of the Muslim Public Affairs Council Haris Tarin joined the President Obama and cabinet officials at the White House as he announced his latest nomination to the Supreme Court, Inspector General Elana Kagan. If confirmed by the Senate, Kagan would take the seat of longtime Justice John Paul Stevens, whose legacy is marked by his commitment to the rule of law, individual rights and civil liberties. Kagan would be the third woman to serve on the Supreme Court. “We call upon Ms. Kagan, if she is confirmed, to follow in the footsteps of Justice Stevens in his commitment to preserving individual freedoms, checking executive power, and upholding the rule of law which have made America a better place for over 35 years,” Tarin said today. Guests at this morning’s announcement came from a diverse group of civil society leaders, underscoring the manner in which President Obama is upholding his commitment to make our government open and accessible to all Americans. MPAC will continue to work with various segments of our government and civil society to ensure that we remain true to our founding principles and ensure our safety and security.

MPAC was established initially in 1986 as the Political Action Committee of the Islamic Center of Southern California whose key leaders likely had their origins in the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. Since that time, MPAC has functioned as the political lobbying arm of the U.S. Brotherhood. MPAC has opposed virtually every count-terror initiative undertaken or proposed by the U.S. government. At times this opposition was said to be on civil-rights grounds but, just as often, MPAC claimed that U.S. counter-terror efforts were aimed at the U.S. Muslim community itself. MPAC has consistently supported and facilitated terrorism by supporting terrorist organizations and, more broadly, constructing an elaborate ideology defending the use of violence by Islamists and Islamist organizations. More than any other U.S. Muslim Brotherhood organization, MPAC has developed extensive relationships with the U.S. government which have included numerous meetings with the Department of Justice and the FBI.

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