CORRECTION: Recent Post On Obama Faith Advisor Revised


On April 6, we posted an article based on an Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood website report which claimed that Obama Faith Advisor Dahlia Mogahed had said that U.S. was not worried about the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. On Monday the Brotherhood website retracted the article claiming that they had relied on Arabic sources “which may have resulted in a few inaccurate points” including that the host of the TV interview in question actually:

…posed a hypothetical question about the likely U.S. response should the Muslim Brotherhood gain a majority.  Mogahed said the U.S. administration would clearly be nervous in this case and that she did not know what America’s response would be.

GIven that the source of our post has retracted the article, we have revised our post accordingly and which now reflects only Ms. Mogahed’s defense of the role religion in the MIdeast protests.

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