Kuwaiti media is reporting that Kuwaiti Muslim Brotherhood leader Tariq Al-Suwaidan has added his voice to the conflict between the UAE and the Global Muslim Brotherhood by warning that if the UAE followed through on its threat to arrest Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi, “it would be a disaster” for the UAE. According to a report on the newspaper Al-Siyasah website:
Islamic preacher Tariq al-Suwaydan has warned the United Arab Emirates of the consequences of issuing an arrest warrant against Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, president of the International Association of Muslim Scholars.In a statement he issued yesterday, Shaykh Al-Suwaydan said that if the Dubai police chief Dahi Khalfan issued an arrest warrant against Al-Qaradawi, it would be a disaster for the United Arab Emirates and the whole world chide it for disrespecting scholars. (See Source below)
A post from yesterday discussed comments made by an Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood spokesman in which he called the UAE “irresponsible” and said that if the UAE arrests Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi, the “entire Muslim world will act against the Emirates.Earlier posts reported on allegations by the Dubai police chief that the Muslim Brotherhood is using social media to attack that UAE and his threat to arrest Qaradawi who criticized the UAE for revoking the visas of Syrians demonstrating against the regime in Damascus.
Tariq Al-Suwidan is one of the most important leaders of the Kuwait Brotherhood as well as the General Manager of Al-Resalah Satellite TV, the brainchild of Saudi businessman Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal. In May 2007, Al-Suwaidan was listed by federal prosecutors in a group of U.S Muslim Brotherhood members named as part of a large group of Unindicted Co-Conspirators in the terrorism financing case against the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, convicted of providing funds for Hamas. Al-Suwaidan is also the author of the anti-Semitic “Encyclopedia of Jews.” A previous post discussed both his background and the struggle to control his Wikipedia page. Another post discussed an interview with Al-Suwaidan in which he called on the Islamic nation to provide “direct support to the armed resistance” against Israel as well as urging Islamic youth to undertake “electronic Jihad” in order to destroy Israeli websites.
(Source: Al-Siyasah website, Kuwait, in Arabic 8 Mar 12 Text of report by Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Siyasah website on 8 March[Al-Suwaydan: “The Arrest of Al-Qaradawi is a Disaster for the UAE”BBC Monitoring Middle East – Political Supplied by BBC Worldwide Monitoring March 8, 2012 Thursday “Kuwaiti preacher warns UAE against issuing arrest warrant for Al-Qaradawi”)