The Huffington Post has posted an article which cited DHS advisor Mohamed Elibiary as claiming that his name “has been dragged through the mud” by U.S. Congressional representatives who haves identified him as a potential example of Muslim Brotherhood influence inside the U.S. government. The article begins:
Posted: 07/25/2012 4:46 pm Updated: 07/25/2012 9:41 pm WASHINGTON — Huma Abedin is, in some ways, lucky. Although a group of five conservative lawmakers have alleged that she may have connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, public officials on both sides of the aisle have since rushed to defend the character and good name of the high-ranking State Department official. But the other Muslim American individuals targeted by these lawmakers, who aren’t quite as famous as Abedin, haven’t been so lucky. Mohamed Elibiary, a national security expert who serves as an advisor for the Department of Homeland Security, was accused last October of leaking secret documents in an effort to smear then-presidential candidate and Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) as Islamophobic. The charges led to death threats, and the FBI had to visit Elibiary’s home to investigate a suspicious package. DHS found the charges baseless, but nine months later, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), one of Ebiliary’s chief accusers, hasn’t let it go. He’s now taken his issue with Elibiary — a Republican whom he described last week as ‘a very nice gentleman’ — even further, accusing him in a June 13 letter to DHS of having ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Elibiary, along with Mohamed Magid and Dalia Mogahed, are mentioned in one of the letters sent to various government agencies earlier this month by Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), Thomas Rooney (R-Fla.), Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.) and Gohmert. The representatives are all calling for investigations into whether the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the U.S. government. Magid is also mentioned in a letter to the Justice Department. All three say they are in no way affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. But it’s difficult for them to clear their names, Elibiary said, when members of Congress seem intent on dragging them through the mud. ‘They feel like there’s no consequences to what they’re doing, no negativity, and they just wrap themselves in the flag like they’re the only uber-patriots out there. There are real peoples’ lives that are affected,’ said Elibiary, the sole Muslim member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council. ‘This is a witch hunt to just make sure that we ruin every Muslim who is serving in any capacity in the government, period.’ Elibiary Elibiary was born Alexandria, Egypt, and grew up in Dallas. He said no one in his family — from parents and siblings to grandparents, aunts and uncles — has any ties with the Muslim Brotherhood. He filled out documents for vetting and ‘it wasn’t ever an issue,’ he said.
Read the rest here. The GMBDW posted an exclusive article in October 2010 which laid out in detail the Muslim Brotherhood connections of Mohamed Elibiary. We are repeating this evidence here and note that most of the incriminating material has been scrubbed from the various websites which we have duly noted below. (The original post also contains Mr. Elibiary’s letter to us and our response)
On an older webpage from his organization’s website (scrubbed), Mr. Elibiary described his background:
Prior to co-founding F&J, Mohamed spent seven years in the Banking and I.T. industries with a background in Management and Network Engineering. Mohamed grew up in Far North Dallas attending Richardson schools from elementary to college, and was a starting left midfielder for the UT-Dallas Soccer Team. Mohamed has been married to his lifelong companion since 1996, and they have three beautiful daughters.
However, California public records state that he is divorced from Nehal El-Ramly who is currently listed as a member of the board of directors of the Freedom and Justice Foundation (FJF). (See Note 1) The FJF website previously stated (scrubbed) that Mr. Elibiary had earned several certifications from an unidentified Islamic University on issues related to Islamic Law and Governance and it should be noted that another FJF Trustee was reported (scrubbed) to be a graduate of the University of Medina, known to be a center of for the Muslim Brotherhood in Saudi Arabia. The FJF site goes on previously described (scrubbed) Mr. Elibiary’s occupation as follows:
Since 2005 Mohamed, as a National Security Policy Analyst, has been advising Intelligence and Law Enforcement agencies (ex. FBI, DHS, NCTC, ODNI, etc.) on various Counter-Terrorism (CT) issues (ex. Domestic Intelligence, Strategic Intelligence Analysis, Information Sharing and Radicalization). He currently is: currently pursuing a Certification in Homeland Security Studies at the Michigan State University (MSU) School of Criminal Justice a 2008-2009 Fellow at the University of Southern California (USC) American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute (AMCLI). AMCLI is a joint program through USC’s Center for Religion and Civic Culture and Georgetown University’s Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding.
The Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown is directed by longtime global Muslim Brotherhood supporter John Esposito.
In 2008, Mr. Elibiary harshly criticized the Hamas terrorism financing convictions of the Holy Land Foundation defendants calling them “a policy of denying our civil liberties”:
The U.S. government won a resounding court victory last Monday, convicting all the Palestinian HLF defendants on all “material support” charges leveled against them. Yet in the grand scheme of things, our government’s policy of denying our civil liberties and privacy at home while pursuing a cold war “containment” policy that often turns into a hot war for “regime change” has left thousands of Americans dead, tens of thousands maimed, trillions of taxpayer dollars squandered and our homeland more vulnerable than ever. A myopic view might wish to celebrate the HLF verdict, but the big picture clearly shows a continuing loss for America.
Mr. Elibiary’s position on the Holy Land case is not surprising given his role as co-founder, President and CEO of the FJF and the composition of the FJF Advisory Council many of whose members (scrubbed) are are associated with the Islamic Association of North Texas which operates the Dallas Central Mosque (DCM). Both organizations are known to be associated with the US Muslim Brotherhood and the Hamas infrastructure in the U.S. including the now defunct Holy Land Foundations (HLF). The most prominent of these Advisory Council members is Dr. Yusuf Kavakci, currently a board member at large of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), who has served as Imam of the DCM that was described in a 1999 article in a Counterterrorism Journal as:
… considered to be one of the most active centers of Hamas activity in the United States and hosts the leadership and members of both the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) and the Holy Land Foundation (HLF). Both organizations are the primary conduits for Hamas activity and fundraising in the United States. (See Note 2)
A former FBI analyst has also written that the two of the Elashi brothers, later convicted of terrorism financing as leaders of the HLF, had personal ties to the DCM, one serving as a board member and the other active in an affiliated Islamic School. After the arrests of the Elashi’s, the DCM hosted fundraising events for their legal defense.
A 2005 report by the Center For Religious Freedom (CRF) found numerous examples of Saudi ideological material at the DCM (aka Richardson Mosque) explained in the following excerpts:
1) The fatwa of former Saudi religious authority Bin Baz is explicit. Published by Saudi Arabia’s General Presidency for Managing Research and Religious Fatwas, and collected from the Richardson mosque in Dallas, it states: “It is not right for a Muslim to support the unbelievers, or to ask them to support him against his enemies, they are the enemy, do not trust them…. Muslims should not be recruited into their Army, whether they are Arabs or non-Arabs, because the unbeliever is the enemy of the believer.”
2) King Fahd himself is quoted in Patriotism and Its Requirements in Light of Islamic Teaching, copies of which were found at the Richardson Mosque in Dallas, Texas, and published by the Saudi Press Ministry: “[W]e consider ourselves to be in a continuous war against the Zionist enemy in every way until we achieve the hopes of the Arab nation driving the occupier out.’”
3) ….published by the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America Research Center, explains that Wahhabi attention to issuing detailed fatwas for Muslims living in the West emanates from the fear that Muslims abroad have “strayed from the principles set forth by the Koran” and fallen “prey to foreign ideologies,” becoming victims of “Western colonial power manipulation through the process of education”
4) In a polemic against Arab nationalism compiled by the General Presidency for Managing Research and Religious Edicts in Saudi Arabia and gathered from the Richardson Mosque in Dallas, Texas, Bin Baz labels this call to Arab nationalism a conspiracy “created by westerners and Christians to fight Islam and to destroy it in its own home”[Document No. 20]. He emphasizes that all calls to Arab nationalism or any other kind of nationalism are false and aim to divide Muslims instead of uniting them. He describes them as “an apparent aberration, a flagrant ignorance, and a malicious plan against Islam and its people.
5) a collection of articles [Document No. 19] gathered from the Richardson Mosque in Dallas, which were published by the Saudi-established Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences Research Center. The article explains how Western educational institutions established African, Asian, and Caribbean studies departments designed to promote new “scholars” and “experts” on these regions, and assisted by former colonial administrators who were described as “experts on the developing nations.” At the same time, a campaign was launched to reinterpret Muslim aspirations “to conform to what came to be known as the Western tradition.” Thus Western culture and values became the standard to follow and the norm to emulate, and most of the newly developing countries “blindly accepted this subordinate position and exposed themselves to some of the world’s worst forms of manipulation.” The Saudi tract adds that students were taught that their countries were underdeveloped because “their social and cultural institutions” were not “conducive to development,” and it was “their own backward forms that resisted the ‘progressive’ influence of colonialism” [The United States is cited as leading in this conspiracy of ideas against Islam.Other members of the FJF Advisory Council are leaders of the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), both organizations being important parts of the US Muslim Brotherhood.
It should also be noted that Mr. Elibiary has written admiringly of Sayid Qutb, one of the most important ideologues of the Global Muslim Brotherhood.
(Note 1 California Divorce Filing #288211 ELRAMLY, NEHAL EL, ELIBIARY, MOHAMED NABIL)
(Note 2 The Journal of Counterterrorism & Security International 1999 Fall “The Kavakci Affair: Headscarves, Religious Rights, and Terrorist Front Groups”)