Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Marks Founding Of Israel With Contempt


The Anti-Defamation League has reported on what it describes as “contemptuous” statements by the  Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood  on the occasion of Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe) Day commemorations. According to the ADL report:

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Logo
Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Logo

MAY 17, 2013 As Pales­tin­ian sup­port­ers across the Mid­dle East were demon­strat­ing in com­mem­o­ra­tion of the nakba, the Ara­bic term mean­ing ‘cat­a­stro­phe’ used to refer to Israel’s estab­lish­ment in 1948, the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood and its Gen­eral Guide Moham­mad Badie issued state­ments to their fol­low­ers laced with con­tempt for Israel and Jews.

In a com­mem­o­ra­tive state­ment on its English-language web­site, Israel is described by the Broth­er­hood as a ‘hos­tile ter­ror­ist racist expan­sion­ist mon­stros­ity’ that ‘con­stantly and actively works to Judaize Jerusalem and other Pales­tin­ian ter­ri­to­ries,’ with assis­tance from the U.S. and West.

Moham­mad Badie wrote in his weekly Arabic-language newslet­ter a piece titled, ‘Pales­tine … the Soul of the Islamic Nation.’ In the arti­cle, Badie warns ‘Zion­ists to stop play­ing with fire by insult­ing the Al Aqsa by defil­ing and enter­ing the mosque to sing and play in its courtyard.’

Badie also described the nakba not as an event that only affects Pales­tini­ans, but one that has been felt across the Arab and Mus­lim worlds. Badie char­ac­ter­ized Israel’s cre­ation as ‘the mem­ory of con­fis­cat­ing land and prop­erty, and insult­ing Mus­lim and Chris­t­ian holy places in the Holy City [Jerusalem]; in short, it is the mem­ory of the inva­sion, rape and occu­pa­tion of a sacred and blessed place in the Mus­lim and Arab abode.’

He went on to urge believ­ers to ‘lib­er­ate the home­land from the filth of the bru­tal Zion­ist occu­pa­tion, which is backed by the West­ern forces that claim free­dom and human rights.’”

Two weeks ago, a post reported that Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi had arrived in Gaza where he was greeted by the Hamas Prime Minister and called immediately for “Jihad to death” against Israel. One day later, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood staged an anti-Israel rally in, the first such protest by the main backers of President Mohammed Morsi since they rose to prominence in the wake of the country’s 2011 uprising.

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