Israeli media is reporting that the recent annual conference of the French Muslim Brotherhood featured antisemitic speeches. According to a Times of Israel report, one of the addresses featured the the brother of Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Tariq Ramadan in which he said “All the evil in the world originates from the Jews and the Zionist barbarism”:
Hani Ramadan
April 27, 2014 A major conference on Islam in Paris featured anti-Semitic speeches, according to a sociologist who listened to the lectures.
The speeches were given ‘a place of honor’ at Wednesday’s 31st congress of the Union of Islamic Organizations in France, or UOIF, sociologist Michele Tribalat wrote in the Le Figaro daily Thursday. He singled out a speech by Hani Ramadan, a prominent Muslim leader from Geneva who spoke before thousands of congress participants.
According to the news site, Ramadan said during his address: ‘All the evil in the world originates from the Jews and the Zionist barbarism.’
The UOIF congress is one of France’s largest and most prominent Islamic events.
Ramadan also condemned French Prime Minister Manuel Vals for ‘publicly wearing a kippah’ while supporting a ban on the wearing of veils by Muslim women in some public areas.
Hani Ramadan is a brother of Tariq Ramadan, a Swiss professor who is banned from entering the United States because of donations he made to Palestinian groups designated as terrorist by the US government.
‘Against these international schemes of Zionist power, there is only one rampart: Islam,’ Hani Ramadan reportedly said.”
In 2008, we reported that Hani Ramadan, the brother of prominent Muslim Brotherhood figure Tariq Ramadan, was to receive $230,000 in damages as a result of being fired from a Swiss school for remarks he made defending stoning as an Islamic punishment in an article for a French newspaper. At the time, it was reported that Ramadan, who is also the head of the Geneva Islamic Center, had defended the stoning punishment for adulterous men and women ion the grounds that the stoning punishment is meant to help curb the moral degradation in societies and put the what he saw as divine curse (AIDS/HIV) under control. The Geneva Islamic Center was founded by Said Ramadan, the father of the Ramadan brothers, himself the son-in-law of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Hani Ramadan has also been a member of the board of the Swiss member of the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE), the Muslim Brotherhood umbrella organization for Europe.
The Point de Bascule blog has identified other Global Muslim Brotherhood leaders who spoke at the conference including:
The Union des Organisations Islamiques de France (UOIF) is widely regarded as representing the Muslim Brotherhood in France. Fouad Alaoui and Lahj Breze took over the leadership of the UOIF in 1993 and were known as the “Bordelaise Clan”, a reference to the French town in which they met as students. They were seen as more moderate than their predecessors Abdallah Ben Mansour and Ahmed Jaballah who both have served as officers of the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE), representing the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe. Foud Alaoui has also been also a FIOE officer. The two grandsons of the Muslim Brotherhood founder are regular features at the UOIF annual congresses.