Editor’s Notice: GMBDW Announces Arabic Media Monitoring


The GMBDW is pleased to announce the inauguration of an experimental new feature- the addition of Arabic language media to our daily intelligence monitoring on the Global Muslim Brotherhood. Given that a large section of such media is notoriously unreliable, we will be using the following criteria for section of items to be posted:

  1. The material has something unique that cannot be found in English language media
  2. The material is judged by us to be reasonably reliable and/or noteworthy
Given the recent interest in Arabic language media being demonstrated in various quarters, the GMBDW felt it worthwhile to attempt providing a reliable source of information on such media and that will avoid the sensationalism so often seen. As always, we note that the GMBDW is an intelligence publication and that we cannot guarantee that any media or public sources are in fact accurate. Therefore, we always encourage readers to cross-check and verify any information from the GMBDW that they choose to make use of. Due to the expense of verbatim translations, we will mainly be providing English language summaries of the important point from the Arabic article being discussed although verbatim translations will be provided where we deem it critical. We will try to always note where the material cited is being summarized or translated.
We hope that GMBDW readers find this new service to be of use and which we are introducing as an experimental feature. If any readers have substantive comments or question, feel free to contact us by means of our Contact Form.


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