Local media has published an article on former US Homeland Security advisor Mohamed Elibiary that assiduously ignores the evidence of his ties to the US Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas infrastructure developed by the GMBDW. The article by the Texas Observer begins:
Mohamed Elibiary
November 25, 2014 Mohamed Elibiary might be the only Texas Republican accused of belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood. But, he’d like everyone to know, just for the record: He is not now, nor has he ever been, a member of the Brotherhood, nor has his father or his father’s father. (The Brotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1928, or else he’d go further back.)
The Egypt-born, Plano-based security analyst has been fielding allegations like this for years, though their only proponents are a small but vocal conservative faction, like those who stalk him daily online. On Sept. 3, when Elibiary announced on Twitter that he had resigned from the Homeland Security Advisory Council—a group that advises the secretary of homeland security—the reaction from his legion of right-wing haters was immediate: ‘Off to fight with ISIS are you?’ asked one. Another: ‘What will the Muslim Brotherhood have you doing to undermine this country next?’ An article on Glenn Beck’s site, TheBlaze.com, suggested that Elibiary had resigned because ‘mounting criticism’ from the right ‘was becoming a liability issue, not only to the Obama administration but to our national security.’
A GOP dominated by figures like Dan Patrick is unsustainable—and Elibiary is partly back in Texas because he wants to make sure that Islamophobia and overhyped terrorism fears don’t dictate state policy. A conservative Christian newsletter spelled out the threat more clearly: ‘We have been targeted. Texas conservatives are on the front lines in an all out assault from the Muslim Brotherhood and one of their most effective promoters is a Texas Republican.’
The GMBDW reported exclusively in October 2010 that the US Department of Homeland Security has sworn in Mohamed Elibiary as one of hree new members of the Homeland Security Council and that Mr. Elibiary was the President and CEO of an organization with ties to the US Muslim Brotherhood and the US Hamas infrastructure ( (The original post also contains Mr. Elibiary’s letter to us and our response). This post laid out in detail the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas connections of Mohamed Elibiary, most notably his role as co-founder, President and CEO of the Freedom & Justice Foundation, whose advisory council included many members associated with the Islamic Association of North Texas which operates the Dallas Central Mosque (DCM), known to be a center for the US Muslim Brotherhood and US Hamas infrastructure. In July 2012 we posted a review of this evidence, noting that most of the incriminating material had been scrubbed from the various websites. In September 2014, we reported that Mr. Elibiary has resigned his position at the HSC.
The Texas Observer has seemingly chosen to ignore the above evidence, focusing instead solely on Mr. Elibiary’s less than responsible critics. However, the GMBDW stands by the evidence that we developed four years ago, evidence that at the very least should have raised questions for any security clearances that were obtained by Mohamed Elibiary.