Canadian media is reporting that an advisor to a Canadian agency similar to the US Department of Homeland Security who was suspended over controversial ties has been invited by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Department of National Security to speak at a conference on fighting violent extremism. According to a CBC report:
May 23, 2015 The Canadian government might not want him anymore, but the department of Homeland Security still wants to hear what Hussein Hamdani has to say about deradicalization.
The Hamilton lawyer was suspended as an adviser on Muslim issues and security for the federal government earlier this month. But now, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice and the Department of National Security have invited him to speak at a conference on fighting violent extremism.
So in July, Hamdani will be heading to Washington, DC to advise government officials at the local, state and federal levels – even though he’s been suspended from doing so in his own country.
‘This is consistent with what I have been saying all along: I have been vetted already, multiple times by CSIS and RCMP as well as U.S. security agencies,’ Hamdani told CBC News.
‘Thankfully, the Americans are not playing politics’
Minister of Public Safety Steven Blaney’s office is looking into questions raised by the French TVA network about politically charged statements it alleges Hamdani made as a university student, and allegations about radical organizations that it says Hamdani had associations with.
Hamdani says he believes the decision is politically motivated because of his support for Justin Trudeau and the federal Liberals. He denies all the allegations outright.
Read the rest here.
Last month, the GMBDW discussed a Point de Bascule blog report that identified Hussein Hamdani’s ties to Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas related organizations and which included:
1) In a guide that was published by the Muslim Students Association in 1996, Hussein Hamdani encouraged Muslim student activists ‘to Islamize campus politics’;
2) In 2003, the Ihya Foundation, an organization led by Hamdani, joined with the Saudi World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) to launch the Reviving the Islamic Spirit conventions in Toronto. In 2012, WAMY’s charitable status was revoked after the Canada Revenue Agency concluded that it funded an Al-Qaeda-linked organization;
3) From 2005 to 2009, two organizations led by Hamdani transferred money to Hamas’ fund collector, IRFAN-Canada. The Canada Revenue Agency revoked IRFAN’s charitable status in 2011 after having concluded that, for the 2005-2009 period alone, it transferred $14.6 million to the terrorist organization Hamas. In April 2014, IRFAN was added to Canada’s list of outlawed terrorist groups.
In October 2010, the GMBDW reported that the US Department of Homeland Security has sworn in Mohamed Elibiary as one of three new members of the US Homeland Security Council. As we reported, Mr. Elibiary has his own ties to the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas infrastructure in the US.
For our reporting on IRFAN, go here.
For a profile on WAMY, go here.