Browsing: Daily
Saudi Interfaith Conferences Ends On Dispute Over "Zionism"
There are several media reports indicating the end of the Saudi-sponsored interfaith conference in Madrid…More
Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Leader Celebrates Release Of Prisoners
An Egyptian website is carrying a statement from the leader of the Egyptian Brotherhood celebrating…More
New Scottish Muslim Brotherhood Organization Given Government Funds For "IslamFest"
Scottish media is reporting further details on charges of cronyism, discussed in a post from…More
U.S. Prosecutors Defend Naming Of ISNA and CAIR As Unindicted Co-conspirators
The New York Sun is reporting that Federal prosecutors have rejected claims by two U.S.…More
IslamExpo Concludes In London, Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas Supporters Behind The Event
A U.K event known as IslamExpo, sponsored by and featuring a large number of individuals…More
Scottish First Minister Accused of "Cronyism" By Giving Funds to Muslim Brotherhood Group
U.K. media has reported that the Scottish First Minister has been accused of cronyism by…More
MPAC Complains About Lack Of Access To U.S. Government
The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), a part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, has issued…More
Muslim World League Conference To Include Mostly Global Muslim Brotherhood, Individual With Right-wing Extremist Background Also Invited
Virtually all Islamic invitees to the upcoming Muslim World League Interfaith Conference from the U.S. and Europe are associated with the global Muslim Brotherhood and one U.S. invitee has a right-wing extremist background. According to the conference list, the following individuals from the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood:
-Muzammil Siddiqui, former President Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
-Ingrid Mattson, ISNA
-Nihad Awad, Council of American Islamic Relations…