Saudi Arabia Bans Books By Tariq Suwaidan And Salman Al-Oudah
Gulf media are reporting that Saudi Arabia has banned the sale of books by Kuwaiti Muslim Brotherhood leader Tariq Suwaidan and…More
Daily2009 Ibrahim Munir Interview Translated
The GMBDW has obtained a translation of a 2009 Egyptian media interview with Ibrahim Munir, an important Muslim Brotherhood leader living…More
DailyUK Muslim Brotherhood Publishes Letter On Government’s Muslim Brotherhood Inquiry
Continuing its campaign against the UK review of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Cordoba Foundation has sponsored a public letter expressing its…More
DailyRECOMMENDED READING: “Bahrain Between its Backers and the Brotherhood”
A publication of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace has published an analysis by a Saudi writer of what he calls…More
Recommended ReadingRECOMMENDED READING: “U.S. Muslim Brotherhood Likely Influenced Senate Defense Bill”
The Cultural Jihad blog has posted an report titled “U.S. Muslim Brotherhood Likely Influenced Senate Defense Bill” that looks at…More
Recommended Reading