RECOMMENDED READING: “Muslim Brotherhood’s New Safe Haven? Qatar, With An Assist From Al Jazeera”
US media is reporting further information on the role of Qatar in hosting fugitives from the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and…More
Recommended ReadingIIIT Research Director Settles In At New Position; Ermin Sinanovic Is Also A US Naval Academy Instructor
The International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) has reported on the recent activities of Ermin Sinanovic, the organization’s new Research director…More
DailyCAIR Welcomes Nuclear Agreement With Iran
The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has issued a press release welcoming the nuclear arms agreement with Iran announced by…More
DailyRECOMMENDED READING: “Egypt Takes Aim At Brotherhood’s Foreign Backers”
French media is reporting on what is described as an Egyptian offensive against foreign backers of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. The…More
Recommended ReadingIslamic Circle of North America Expands Ad Campaign To Mexico
Islamic media is reporting that the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) has expanded what is calls its “awareness campaign” to…More
DailyRECOMMENDED READING: Kuwait’s Muslim Brotherhood Under Pressure”
Two Carnegie Foundation analysts have posted an article titled “Kuwait’s Muslim Brotherhood Under Pressure” that looks at the current status…More
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