RECOMMENDED READING: “Ten Biggest Terror Finance News Stories Of 2012”
The Money Jihad blog has posted an article titled “Ten biggest terror finance news stories of 2012”, some of which…More
Recommended ReadingCAIR Wants Media To Stop Using Term “Islamist”
The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has issued a press release urging media outlets to discontinue using the term “islamist.”…More
DailyRECOMENDED READING: “Egypt Tries to Resolve Tensions Between Muslim Brotherhood and U.A.E.”
The New York Times is reporting on the continuing conflict between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.…More
Recommended ReadingBREAKING NEWS: Al Gore Sells Cable Channel To Al-Jazeera; Pockets $100 Million
U.S. media is reporting that the Qatari-based Al-Jazeera network has purchased a cable channel owned by former Vice-President Al Gore…More
Breaking News