CAIR Director Says Democratic Mideast Platform “Developing”
Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) director Nihad Awad has given an interview for Al-Jazeera TV in which he says…More
DailyRECOMMENDED READING “Some Gulf Rulers Wary Of U.S. Shifts On Islamists”
Reuters has published an analysis titled “Some Gulf rulers wary of U.S. shifts on Islamists, Iran” that examines the reaction…More
Recommended ReadingISNA Holds 49th Annual Conference; Many Speakers Tied To Global Muslim Brotherhood
The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) held its 49th Annual Convention over the weekend. While the event appears to have…More
Daily Recommended ReadingRECOMENDED READING: “Egypt And Iran, New Twin Pillars”
Iranian-born political Scientist Kaveh L. Afrasiab has published an analysis of the current relationship between Egypt and Iran titled “Egypt And…More
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