Holy Land Convictions Upheld By Texas Panel
Local media is reporting that the convictions against five leaders of the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) for financing Hamas were…More
DailyRECOMMENDED READING: “Islamic Rioters Attack Christian Shops in Northern Iraq”
In a cautionary note for those accepting at face value the Global Muslim Brotherhood’s profession of belief in freedom of religion,…More
Recommended ReadingBREAKING NEWS: Clinton Meeting With Syrian Opposition Includes U.S. Member Tied To U.S. Muslim Brotherhood
Global media is widely reporting that U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has held a meeting on Tuesday with members…More
Breaking NewsUnion of Good Says Turkish Prime Minister Invited Hamas Prime Minister To Turkey; Pledges $300 Million For Hamas
A Union of Good website is reporting that Turkish Prime Minister Receb Tayyip Erdogan has sent a letter to the Hamas…More
DailyRECOMMENDED READING: “Yemen’s Opposition May Be Caught by Its Own Double Game”
The New York Times has reported on the prospects for the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen in an article titled “Yemen’s Opposition…More
Recommended ReadingBREAKING NEWS: Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Gets 36.6% In Parliamentary Elections
Global media is widely reporting that the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has won 36.6 percent of the vote in the first round…More
Breaking News