Global Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas Leader Says More Gaza Convoys Being Prepared
A Union of Good website is reporting that plans are underway for three new convoys to break the “siege of…More
DailyU.K. Charity Denies Being Member of Union Of Good;
The U.K. Muslim Aid has sent a communication to the Money Jihad blog asserting that the organization has never been…More
DailyU.K. Muslim Brotherhood Funded Group Says Murdoch Journalists “Targeted” Palestinian Supporters
Robert Lambert, the co-director of the European Muslim Research Center, has continued his support of Global Muslim Brotherhood leaders such…More
DailyLatest Miles Of Smiles Convoy To Enter Gaza
A Union Of Good website has reported comments by Essam Mustafa indicating that the latest Miles of Smiles convoy is…More
DailyBosnian Grand Mufti Thanks Kuwait For Support
Kuwati media has reported that Mustafa Ceric, the Grand Mufti of Bosnia, has thanked the Kuwati Ministry of Awqaf for…More
DailyBREAKING NEWS: Tens Of Thousands Call For Islamic State In Egypt; Mostly Muslim Brothers
Global media is reporting that tens of thousands of people, dominated by Muslim Brotherhood supporters, have gathered in Cairo’s Tahrir…More
Breaking News