RECOMMENDED READING: “Article On Muslim Brotherhood Website: Implement Shari’a In Phases”
The website of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has posted an article in which one of its long time members argues…More
Recommended ReadingRECOMMENDED READING “Holder Allegedly Protected Hamas-Linked CAIR For Political Reasons” has posted a story titled “Holder allegedly protected Hamas-linked CAIR for political reasons” referring to the U.S. Attorney General’s…More
Recommended ReadingISNA Holds 48th Annual Convention
OnIslam, the Islamic news portal associated with Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi, has reported on the 48th annual convention…More
DailyRECOMMENDED READING: “Saudi Arabian Charity In Pakistan Offers Education – Or Is It Extremism?”
The U.K. Guardian has published an article discussing the influence of Saudi Arabia on Pakisan including the chairty known as…More
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