Rachid Ghannouchi Calls For The End Of Israel
Arab media has reported an interview with Tunisian Muslim Brotherhood leader Rachid Ghannouchi in which he calls for and predicts…More
DailyTariq Ramadan To Appear With Dalai Lama At World Religions Conference
According to the conference website, Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Tariq Ramadan will join the Dalai Lama and other notables in…More
Daily9th Palestinians in Europe Conference Once Again Features Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas Figures
The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) has reported on the 9th Palestinians in Europe Conference which was held over the weekend in…More
DailyMuslim Brotherhood Leader Claims Israel And US Working To “Thwart” Egyptian Revolution
The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood website has reported on comments by Muslim Brotherhood leader Kemal Helbawy (aka Helbawi, El-Helbawi) in which…More
DailyQaradawi Organization Warns Again Of “Plots” In Most Recent Attack On Copts
On Islam has reported that the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), headed by Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi…More