MIDEAST CRISIS: UK Muslim Brotherhood Spokesman Says Israel Destroyed Gas Pipeline; Urges Egypt To Become Like Iran
MEMRI has published a translation of comments by a Muslim Brotherhood spokesman in the UK accusing Israel of destroying an…More
Daily Mideast CrisisMuslim Council of Britain Criticizes Prime MInister On Multiculturalism Statement
Global media has reported that he Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) has criticized UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s statement on…More
DailyMIDEAST CRISIS: Former Muslim Brotherhood Leader Part Of New Jordanian Cabinet
Global media is reporting that the Jordanian Prime Minister has named a new cabinet which includes a former leader of…More
Daily Mideast CrisisMIDEAST CRISIS: Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Response To Accusations Of Concessions To Government
The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has issued a statement in response to allegations that it has made concessions to the Egyptian…More
Daily Mideast CrisisMIDEAST CRISIS: ISNA Urges Egyptians To Continue Protest; Wants US To Withhold Aid
The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) has issued a statement calling on Egyptians to “continue to raise their voices…More
Daily Mideast CrisisMIDEAST CRISIS: Queen Of Jordan Wants Muslim Brotherhood Included In Government Building
Global media is reporting is reporting that the Queen of Jordan has said in a TV interview that the Egyptian…More
Daily Mideast CrisisMIDEAST CRISIS: Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Provided Reinforcements In Battle Against Mubarak Forces
A second report has provided further details on the role the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood is playing on the ground during…More
Daily Mideast Crisis