MIDEAST CRISIS: White House Leaves Door Open For Contact To Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood
The Washington Post is reporting that the White House has no current contact with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood but appears…More
Daily Mideast CrisisMIDEAST CRISIS: Coalition Including Muslim Brotherhood Calls For Million Man March Tomorrow
The Associated Press is reporting on calls by a coalition of Egyptian opposition groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood, for a…More
Daily Mideast CrisisMIDEAST CRISIS: Rachid Ghannouchi Says His Views Similar To Turkish Prime Minister
A European media report has provided further details on the return to Tunisia of Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Rachid Ghannouchi…More
Daily Mideast CrisisMIDEAST CRISIS: WSJ Confirms El-Baradei Has Muslim Brotherhood Backing
The Wall Street Journal is confirming an earlier BBC report that the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has backed Mohamed El-Baradei as…More
Daily Mideast CrisisBREAKING NEWS: Mohamed El-Baradei Joins Protestors In Tahir Square
Global media is reporting that Mohamed El-Baradei has joined Egyptian protestors in Cairo’s Tahir Square. According to an Al Jazeera…More
Breaking News Mideast CrisisBREAKING NEWS: Ghannouchi Arrives In Tunisia
Global media is reporting that Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Rachid Ghannouchi has arrive in Tunis following 22 years of exile.…More
Breaking News Mideast CrisisMIDEAST CRISIS: Al Jazeera Closing Egypt Bureau; Network Known To Be Under The Influence Of the Global Muslim Brotherhood
Al Jazeera is reporting that Egyptian authorities are revoking its license to broadcast and that its will close it bureau…More
Daily Mideast CrisisBREAKING NEWS: BBC Reports Mohamed El-Baradei Will Negotiate On Behalf Of Muslim Brotherhood
The BBC News Twitter feed is reporting “the main opposition movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, has backed Mohamed ElBaradei to negotiate…More
Breaking News Daily Mideast Crisis