MIDEAST CRISIS: Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Asks Saudi Arabia To Extradite Tunisian President
An Egyptian newspaper has reported that the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has called on Saudi Arabia to extradite Tunisian President Zine…More
Daily Mideast CrisisMIDEAST CRISIS: Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Threatens To Copy Tunisia
A Middle Eastern Internet news portal has reported that the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has threatened to copy the Tunisian uprising…More
Daily Mideast CrisisMIDEAST CRISIS: Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood Organizes Anti-Government Demonstrations
Global media have reported on demonstrations held Friday in Jordan calling for the resignation of the government an organized by…More
Daily Mideast CrisisRECOMMENDED READING: “Turkey, the Global Muslim Brotherhood, and the Gaza Flotilla”
The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) has published a new report titled “Turkey, the Global Muslim Brotherhood, and the…More
Recommended ReadingAudit Finds ISNA-Canada Involved In Gross Abuse Of Charity Funds
Canadian media is reporting that Mohammad Ashraf, long-time leader of the Islamic Society of North America Canada, is at the…More
DailyDutch Converts To Islam Lectured By Kuwait Muslim Brotherhood Leader
Kuwaiti media is reporting that new Dutch converts to Islam attended lectures by Kuwait Muslim Brotherhood leader Tariq Suwaidan. According…More
DailyMuslim American Society Leader Recovering From Stroke
The Muslim American Society (MAS) has reported that Mahdi Bray, head of the MAS Freedom Foundation, is recovering from a…More