ISNA Endorses Gazan Youth Visit to Holocaust Museum
US Jewish media is reporting that over Hamas objections, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) has endorsed plans to…More
DailyCAIR Leader Says “We Are First Defenders Of The Constitution”
The communications director for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has appeared on Iranian TV where he said that…More
DailyYusuf Islam To Tour Europe
Music industry media is reporting that Yusuf Islam, the singer formerly known as Cat Stevens, will be touring Europe for…More
DailyRECOMMENDED READING: “Muslim Aid: Hopeless Charity Commission whitewashes yet another Islamist group”
A UK journalist has commented on the recent decision by UK charity regulators that links between the charity known as…More
Recommended ReadingQaradawi Reiterates Support For Suicide Bombings
MEMRI has published excerpts from an interview with Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi in which he reiterates his support…More
DailyRECOMMENDED READING: “A Daughter of Malaysia Finds Her Political Star Rising”
The New York Times has published a profile of Nurul Izzah, the daughter of Malaysian opposition politician Anwar Ibrahim. The…More
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