RECOMMENDED READING:: “Iran And The Muslim Brotherhood In The Arabic-Speaking World: The Best Of Enemies?”
The Rubin Centre, an Israeli think-tank reporting on modern Middle East affairs, has published an article looks at some of the relationships between…More
Recommended ReadingMassachusetts Supreme Court Chief Justice Speaks At Mosque Tied To US Muslim Brotherhood.
The website of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) is reporting that the Massachusetts Supreme Court Chief Justice gave a…More
DailyRECOMMENDED READING: “Can The Muslim Brotherhood Survive”
Washington Institute for Near East Policy analyst Eric Trager has written an article for Foreign Affairs analyzing what he sees…More
Recommended ReadingEDITOR’S NOTICE: New Resources Added- UK Muslim Brotherhood Review & World Islamism Map
The GMBDW will be starting to add new items to the Resource Section of our companion site, the Global Muslim Brotherhood…More
Editor's NoticeFEATURED: Senator’s State Of The Union Guest; Closer To The Muslim Brotherhood Than Anybody Thought
The last few days have seen numerous reports about Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) officials being invited to President Obama’s…More