RECOMMENDED READING: “Egyptian Islamists Dodge Campaign Crackdown”
The Wall Street Journal has published useful background on the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in the run-up to today’s elections. The…More
Recommended ReadingQaradawi Urges Egyptian Brotherhood To Boycott Elections
Egyptian media has reported that Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi has said that he hoped that the Egyptian Brotherhood…More
DailyMPAC To Present On Muslim Radicalization At Southern California Law Enforcement Conference
Two leader of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) are scheduled to speak at a November 1 Southern California counterterrorism…More
DailyEuropean Brotherhood Flotilla Front Group Claims Particpation Increasing In Next Gaza Flotilla
A Union of Good website has reported on claims by the European Campaign to End the Siege On Gaza (ECESG)…More