Muslim Brotherhood Flotilla Front Group Will Go To International Criminal Court
The European Campaign to End the Siege On Gaza (ECESG) has announced that it plans to submit a complaint to…More
DailyCAIR Launches Islamophobia Department
The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has announced that it has launched a new department to address what it…More
DailyAmerican University Students Visit IIIT; Professor Former CAIR Research Director
The International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) has announced that American University students have been visiting IIIT as part of…More
DailyFIOE Shura Council Issues Closing Statement; Europe/Israel Harshly Criticized
The Shura Council (Leadership council) of the Federation of Islamic Organizations In Europe (FIOE) has issued a closing statement after…More
DailyWAMY Says War On Terror Directed Against Islam And Muslims
Middle Eastern media is reporting that Muslim leader attending the recent World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) conference in Indonesia…More
DailyQaradawi Organization Posts Claim That Jews Are “Fifth Column”
The International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) has posted an anti-Semitic article titled “The Jews fifth column where they live…More
DailyISNA Meets With Hillary Clinton And National Security Adviser
The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) has announced that it has met Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the…More