MPAC Condems Court Decision Upholding Ban On Material Support To Terrorist Organizations
The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) has condemned the decision by the US Supreme Court to uphold the ban on…More
DailyUK Student Society Umbrella Group Condemns Decision By UK To Ban Extremist Speaker
The Federation of Student Islamic Societies (FOSIS) in the UK and Ireland has issued a statement condemning the decision by…More
DailyTariq Ramadan Appears Before Muslim Legal Fund Tied To US Muslim Brotherhood
Local media is reporting on the appearance of Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Tariq Ramadan at a recent fund-raiser for the…More
DailyEXCLUSIVE: New Muslim Council Of Britain Chairman Trustee Of Organization Supporting Hamas
Global media is reporting that the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), a UK umbrella group dominated by the UK Muslim…More