Organization Headed By Former UK Spy Publishes Work On “Islamic Feminism”; Researcher Once Called Jews “A Cancer On The World”
The Conflicts Forum, headed by former British intelligence (MI6) agent Alastair Crooke, has announced a series of monographs on “feminism…More
DailyNew York Neighborhoods Oppose New Muslim American Society Mosques
The Wall Street Journal has reported on neighborhood opposition to various mosques being sponsored by the Muslim American Society (MAS)…More
DailyRECOMMENDED READING: “Mosque, Paediatrician and Radical Islamists”
GMBDW has obtained a translation of a major Polish newspaper report detailing the Global Muslim Brotherhood connections of the Liga…More
Recommended ReadingBREAKING NEWS: Union Of Good Sending Land Convoy To Gaza
The Union of Good has announced that it is sending a land convoy to Gaza through the Rafah crossing in…More
Breaking NewsJordanian Media Says “Hawks” In Control Of Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood
Jordanian media is reporting on what describes as the “tightening grip” of the “hawkis” factions of the JOrdanian Muslim Brotherhood.…More
DailyMPAC Meets With FBI Assistant Director
The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) has reported that it has met with the new Assistant Director in Charge of…More
DailyBREAKING NEWS: Global Muslim Brotherhood Intends To Prosecute Israeli Government Over Gaza Flotilla
A Union of Good web site has announced that the European Campaign to End the Siege of Gaza (ECESG) intends…More
Breaking News