Georgetown Academic Joins U.S. Muslim Brotherhood In Accusations Of Media "Double Standards"
Georgetown academic John Esposito has joined the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood in accusing the media of having “double standards” in its…More
DailyCAIR/FBI Relationship Remains Unchanged
Fox News is reporting on the state of relations between the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the FBI.…More
DailyJamal Badawi Chastises West Over Fort Hood Shooting Reaction
U.S. Muslim Brotherhood leader Jamal Badawi has responded to a question posted in an Islam Online forum regarding the Fort…More
DailyRECOMMENDED READING: "Hamas's Ideological Crisis"
Former FBI analyst and Treasury Department official Matt Leavitt has authored a new article titled “Hamas’s Ideological Crisis.” From the…More
Recommended Reading