WAMY Sponsors 1000 Palestinian Students At Hamas-Linked University In Gaza
Arab media is reporting that the The World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) is sponsoring 1,000 Palestinian students at the…More
DailyGeorge Galloway To Speak With MAS Leader At Fundraiser; Conspiracy To Damage Event Alleged
A small Northern Virginia Muslim newspaper announced a fundraising event at which British parliamentarian George Galloway and Muslim American Society…More
DailyNew Evidence Suggests Further Links From German Muslim Brotherhood To Hamas
New evidence developed by the GMBDW raises possible links between German Muslim Brotherhood leaders and Hamas. As reported in earlier posts, German law enforcement is in the midst of a police investigation into seven individuals on suspicion of forming a criminal association and intending to commit a crime by obtaining funds for its “politico-religious and ultimately Islamist goals.” The major subject of that investigation is Ibrahim El-Zayat, the leader…
More DailyConflict Escalates Between MCB and U.K. Government
U.K. media is reporting on the escalation of the conflict between the government and the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB)…More