Grand Mufti Of Bosnian Awarded Prestigious German Prize For Religious Tolerance
Mustafa Ceric, the Grand Mufti of Bosnia and one of the leaders in the European Muslim Brotherhood, was recently one…More
DailyWAMY Awards Graduate Scholarships
The World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), A Saudi religious organization close to the global Muslim Brotherhood, has announced that…More
DailyLeader of Pakistani Group Calls On Pakistanis To Unite Against India
Pakistani media has reported that leader of the Jamaat-e-Islami (JEI), an Islamist group close to the global Muslim Brotherhood, has…More
DailyCORRECTION: Yesterday's Post on Saudi Arabia
A 2002 quotation from the Saudi Interior Minister criticizing the Muslim Brotherhood was added to provide additional context.More
CorrectionMuslim Council of Britain Writes Letter In support of INTERPAL
The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), a U.K. umbrella group dominated by groups linked to the global Muslim Brotherhood, has…More
DailyScottish Muslim Brotherhood Group Announces Agreement with CAIR
The Scottish Islamic Foundation (SIF), a group tied to the global Muslim Brotherhood, has announced an “informal agreement” with the…More