U.S. Muslim Brotherhood Figure Further Confirms Existence Of Global Muslim Brotherhood And Its Relationship To CAIR
Recent posts have discussed the allegations by the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood that the idea of a global Muslim Brotherhood is…More
DailyMalaysian Opposition Figure In Comeback; Many Ties To The Global Muslim Brotherhood
Global media is widely reporting that Anwar Ibrahim, a Malaysian opposition politician closely associated with the global Muslim Brotherhood, has won a seat in the Malaysian parliament. According to one report:
Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim on Wednesday celebrated an election victory that will return him to parliament, boosting his plan to seize power after a decade-long
More DailyANALYSIS: Journalist Employs Common Muslim Brotherhood Themes In Defense Of ISNA
A local media article defending the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) provides an opportunity to examine how the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood manipulates the media in its own interests. According to an article carried on the Indianapolis Star website:
But ISNA isn’t without its detractors. It has been a frequent target of attacks from bloggers and authors who specialize in criticizing Muslim groups. Last month, author and frequent…
More AnalysisResigned Obama Muslim Outreach Coordinator Continues Working As Part Of Obama Campaign
Investor’s Business Daily has reported that Mazen Asbahi, the recently-resigned Obama campaign Muslim outreach coordinator, is still working as part…More
DailyISNA President Speaks At First Democratic Convention Interfaith Gathering
Ingrid Mattson, the President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), was one of the speakers at the Democratic…More