Tariq Ramadan Meets Famous German Philosopher; Answers Questions About Controversies
A German news portal describing itself as fostering “dialog with the Islamic World” has reported that Tariq Ramadan, one of the leaders of the global Muslim Brotherhood and the grandson of Brotherhood founder Hassan Al-Banna, attended a conference where he briefly engaged with Jürgen Habermas, one of the most famous German left-wing philosophers. According to the report:
More DailyMPAC Joins With Rabbi To Accuse Presidential Candidates Of Excluding Muslims
The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), a part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, has joined with a Jewish rabbi in…More
DailyU.K. Muslim Brotherhood Group Part of Protest Against U.S. Intelligence Facilities
The Iranian news service is reporting that the leader of the British Muslim Initiative (BMI), a part of the U.K…More
DailyWagdy Ghoneim To Be Deported From South Africa
More information is available about Wagdy Ghoneim who, as reported in a post from yesterday, was arrested in South Africa. According to a new report in Islam Online and further translations, Ghoneim will be deported from South Africa on the basis of “illegal residence” which, according to Islam Online, was the basis on which he was deported from the U.S. Ghoneim says that it is likely that the…
More DailyBritish Muslim Brotherhood Leader Is Resentful Of "The Evil Jew In Britain"
A U.K blog has reported that Mohammad Sawalha, President of the U.K. Muslim Brotherhood organization known as the British Muslim…More
DailyBREAKING NEWS: Wagdy Ghoneim Arrested In South Africa
Islam Online is reporting that Wagdy Ghomeim (aka Ghumeim), an Egyptian cleric tied to the global Muslim Brotherhood, was arrested…More
George Washington University Professor Marc Lynch recently translated an article last week on Islam Online written by Mohanna al-Hubayl, described…More
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