IIIT Visits French Affiliate
The website of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) has announced that a delegation from its Washington headquarters visited…More
DailyCAIR Joins "Unusual" Coalition To Stop Attack On Iran
The New York Sun is reporting that the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a part of the U.S. Muslim…More
DailyU.K Muslim Brotherhood Protests Bush Visit In London; Violence Erupts During Demo
U.K. media is reporting that violence broke out during a demonstration to protest President Bush’s visit to London yesterday that was sponsored by a coalition including the U.K Muslim Brotherhood. According to one report:
Three people – including a 60-year-old woman accused of indecent exposure – have been charged after an anti-war demonstration. Scotland Yard made 25 arrests after 10 officers suffered minor injuries during a demonstration in…
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