Global Muslim Brotherhood Organizes Protests Against Israel Actions In Gaza
The global Muslim Brotherhood has been active around the world in attempting to stir up protest against Israeli actions in…More
DailyWAMY Officials Meet To Discuss Bosnia
The website of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), a Saudi organization tied to the global Muslim Brotherhood, has…More
DailyMuslim Brotherhood Leader To Debate Christian Pastor And Former Muslim
Local media is reporting that long-time U.S. Muslim Brotherhood leader Jamal Badawi will be debating a Tulsa Oklahoma Christian pastor…More
DailyState Department Sponsors Another Meeting Trip Abroad For A U.S. Muslim Brotherhood Organization
An Indonesian newspaper has reported that a leader of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), a part of the…More
DailyBritish Muslim Brotherhood Group Calls Israel's Gaza Actions "Shocking War Crimes", President Of Group Former Hamas Military Commander
The British Muslim Initiative (BMI), a U.K. Muslim Brotherhood organization, has issued a statement condemning what it calls Israel’s “shocking…More