Anwar Ibrahim Detained At Malaysian Airport
Various media reports indicate that Muslim Brotherhood figure and Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim was detained by Malaysian authorities on…More
DailyISNA President To Address Reform Judaism Biennial Event
A prominent Jewish magazine has announced that the President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a part of…More
DailyU.K Muslim Brotherhood Joins Gaza Support Coalition
The British Muslim Initiative (BMI), a part of the U.K. Muslim Brotherhood, has joined a coalition that has established the…More
DailyCAIR Cites Involvement With U.S. Government As Defense
The Council on American Islamic Relations, a part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, has responded to criticism of its role…More
DailyRECOMMENDED READING: The Influence Of The Muslim Brotherhood In The Netherlands
The NEFA Foundation has published an investigative report which details the structure and activities of the Muslim Brotherhood in the…More
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