EDITOR’S NOTICE: No Posting For US Memorial Day Holiday
In honor of Memorial Day in the US, there will be no posting for Monday, May 25. The GMBDW wishes all…More
Editor's NoticeRECOMMENDED READING:: “in Egypt, The Muslim Brotherhood’s New Leaders Turn Revolutionary To Stay Revelant”
Analyst Eric Trager has published an analysis of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt that looks at what the report calls ” a…More
Recommended ReadingEuropean Commission To Meet With UK Islamic Charity Group; Muslim Charities Forum Lost UK Funding Over Ties To Hamas And Muslim Brotherhood
The Twitter feed of Dr Shuja Shafi, the Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), indicates that he is…More
DailyQaradawi Condemns Morsi Death Sentence; Qaradawi Also Sentenced To Death In Absentia
Reuters is reporting that Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi has condemned the death sentence passed this week against deposed Egyptian President…More