Hamas Official Acknowledges Deporting Foreign Journalist Who Filmed Missile Launches
In an interview with a Lebanese TV station, a Hamas official has acknowledged that journalists who filmed missile launches during the recent…More
Daily Mideast CrisisRECOMMENDED READING: “Subtle Voices Of Dissent Surface In War-Torn Gaza”
The Associated Press has published an unusual look at what it calls “subtle voice of dissent” in Hamas-ruled Gaza. The…More
Recommended ReadingRECOMMENDED READING: “Does Religion Have Role In Bosnia Elections? ”
Al Jazeera English has published an article titled “Does Religion Have Role In Bosnia Elections?” detailing the controversy surrounding the decision…More
Recommended ReadingUK Muslim Brotherhood Holds Large Anti-Israel Demo In London; Organizers Same Old Same Old
Chinese media has reported on anti-Israeli demonstration held last week in London tied to the recent Gaza conflict. According to…More
Daily Mideast CrisisISNA Posts To Facebook In Response To Tariq Ramadan; Appears Stung By Criticism
One day following following the harsh criticism of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) by leading Global Muslim Brotherhood figure Tariq Ramadan,…More
DailyRECOMMENDED Viewing “CAIR’s Identity Crisis: Defending Civil Rights or the Palestinian (Hamas) Struggle?”
The Investigative Project has posted a short video on the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and its conflicting statements…More
Recommended Viewing