Institut Européen des Sciences Humaines


The Institut Européen des Sciences Humaines (IESH) is an educational facility in France associated with the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE) and its French member the Union des organisations islamiques de France (UOIF), both organizations representing the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe. Previous posts had discussed the low graduation rate from the IESH campus in St. Denis and plans by FIOE to establish a new body to train European imams located in Brussels. IESH has had a campus located in Wales since 1998 known as the European Institute for Human Sciences (EIHS).

A confidential report on IESH from 2004 contained the following conclusions about the facility:

  • IESH does not appear to serve its stated purpose of developing Imans trained in the European context.

  • IESH is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood

  • IESH has failed to graduate significant numbers of trained Imans to serve in French mosques.